For the Agrupamento de Escolas de Murtosa its internationalization represents a challenge as well as an opportunity, because nowadays it is fundamental for an Educational Entity to develop a strong international dimension. Therefore, the School aims through “S.T.E.A.M.! Supporting Teachers to Enhance students’ Academic iMprovement!” to developing a framework of institutional relations capable of placing it firmly within Europe. In this perspective emerges the need to strengthen and innovate the professional, methodological, linguistic and social skills of teachers through international structured courses and exchange of experiences with European colleagues, in order to respond to the following needs:
-increasing students’ academic results and their interest in STEM subjects;
-supporting the strengthening of teachers’ digital and linguistic skills;
-innovating the School’s educational provisions;
-favouring an more internationalized School character.
“S.T.E.A.M.! Supporting Teachers Enhancing students’ Academic iMprovements!” aims at achieving 4 different objectives in the time span of 12 months. The project’s objectives are:
-Improving the skills of scientific and arts teachers to apply a more efficient STEAM approach.
-Enhancing teachers’ digital skills to secure a more digitalized learning environment and strengthen students’ IT abilities.
-Supporting the implementation of the CLIL teaching methodology.
-Supporting the improvement of students’ academic performances and AEM’s internationalisation.
The main activity of “S.T.E.A.M.!” will be represented by the organization of 3 different structured courses (8 days each) organized in 3 countries (Ireland, France and Malta) and it will foresee the participation of 15 teachers divided in 3 flows of 5 teachers each.
The 1st mobility that will be organized will be held in Mobility Hub, in Ireland. 5 teachers of scientific or art subjects participate in the 1st structured course. The argument will be “new teaching approaches for STEAM subjects”.
The 2nd mobility will be held in FEM, in France. 5 teachers teaching all subjects will have the chance to participate in the 2nd structured course. The argument will be “digital skills and digital teaching”.
The 3rd mobility will be held in ForMalta, in Malta. 5 teachers will be selected for participating in the 3rd structured course. The argument will be “English language and implementation of CLIL teaching”.
The participation of the Agrupamento de Escolas de Murtosa in “S.T.E.A.M.! Supporting Teachers to Enhance Enhancing students’ Academic iMprovement!” will produce the following results:
-a general innovation of the teaching methodologies used by AEM’s teachers, in particular regarding the approach to STEM subjects;
-the strengthening of teachers’ language and digital skills and by reflex the ones of students;
-a stronger cooperation among teachers;
-a general improvements of students’ academic results;
-a more internationalized School character with higher possibilities to be involved in other Erasmus + projects;
-a wider international network.